Hello Summer Concert

May 25th was another special day with our Turkish-American community and extended friends. Show Bar at Revolution Hall opened their doors for a unique experience of Turkish flavor through the great music of ParaDoX. There was cheering, singing, dancing, surprise singing, surprise dancing … oh my!

According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, “the ancient Greeks were well aware that a paradox can take us outside our usual way of thinking. They combined the prefix para- ("beyond" or "outside of") with the verb dokein ("to think"), forming paradoxos, an adjective meaning "contrary to expectation." 

ParaDoX was true to this meaning as they put a show beyond our expectations. The two more frequent comments among the crowd were: “the band is great!” and “when are we going to hear them again?”. 

Did you notice the upper-case letters in the band’s name: PDX?

This event would not have been possible without the generous support of Revolution Hall, the Show Bar crew, the relentless efforts of ORTA’s EC and of course our fabulous musicians Göker, Mesut, Murat, Oytun, Serter, and Tom.

ORTA’s mission is to “Enhance the lives of the Turkish-American community”, and Saturday’s event was a perfect example, we brought people together to strengthen their bonds and create new ones. Many of the guest were not ORTA members, in fact, many were not even Turkish. This shows how we contribute to strengthening the community. 

Together, we are better.

If you have feedback on this event or any other ORTA activity, drop us a note to contact@ortapdx.org, or send anonymous feedback HERE


ORTA Kids Club Egg Hunt Party