ORTA Kids Club Egg Hunt Party

On April 7th, we celebrated the first anniversary of ORTA Kids Club with an amusing Egg Hunt party, which turned out to be a tremendous success! Everyone felt comfortable, safe, and relaxed. The venue was perfect for this activity, and the weather was not too bad, so everyone had a great time. Each person involved put in a remarkable effort to make it a memorable day, especially our big blue dinosaur friend who made a surprise visit.

It was heartwarming to see the community coming together to strengthen bonds and create new ones, while our kids build social skills in a different environment. Our children are our future, and everyone showed how much they care.

Special shoutout to Funda Gurbuz Yakupoglu and the rest of the Kid’s Club Committee for their hard work and dedication in organizing this event, and of course a big THANK YOU to all the volunteers that rolled up their sleeves to make it happen.

Check out the pictures HERE


Hello Summer Concert


23 Nisan National Sovereignty & Children's Day